Anxiety and depression look different in children than in adults. Often depressed children are grumpy, withdrawn, and timid. You may notice that they have lost interest in the activities or games they used to enjoy and be less sociable with other kids or adults.  

Children who are anxious might describe having funny feelings in their body such as butterflies in their stomach, chest pains, headaches or sweaty/tingly palms. You might also notice that their demeanour changes and they look more agitated or easily startled.

Often children who experience depression and anxiety can go onto experience it in adulthood, unless the root cause of it is processed in therapy.


What are the most helpful things we can do?


  • Be friendly, welcoming, kind and empathetic to the child as this will help them feel ‘seen’ and ‘heard’.

  • Try to help them feel known and valued by taking a quiet moment to see if they are ok and giving them space to share any worries

  • Find out whether a specific toy or friend to buddy up with helps them to feel safe and settled.


  • Help them feel safe and calm and connected.

  • Help them work out their triggers and reflect on their reactions- especially if they are too emotive or odd!

  • Help them find emotional safety and purpose.

  • They may need time to process childhood trauma with a trauma therapist.