Most churches seem to be contributing to the care of refugees and the awareness raising of the horror of human trafficking. It’s such an opportunity to be active in our demonstration of how much we care about those who have been through such pain and horror.
There are simple things that we can do as churches to help children and young people recover and those are simply an approach and attitude of authentic care and genuine empathy (but not pity or sympathy as those are awful to experience). How would we have felt if we had been trapped in a situation with no easy way out? What do they need now?
Practical help is always useful. clothes, home supplies, diy, toys, fun language lessons, invites to meals and community events.
clothes, home supplies, diy, toys, fun language lessons, invites to meals and community events are useful practical ways to help
2. Care and empathy, shown not just in words but offers of time, help and friendship.
3. A recognition that it’s complex to recover and not just a simple choice of emotion and thinking.
The trauma will be deeply embedded in the subconscious and will often suddenly imapct day to day life in a way that shocks them as well as those around them. but consistent, kind relationships do build healthy lives that can then lead to a recovery.